4A Corporation
4A Corporation regular meetings are open to the public and are normally held the third Thursday of each month at 6:00 pm at the Floresville Event Center, located at 600 SH 97 West.
Board of Directors
Brian Gray
Billy Herrera, Sr.
Jake Lamberth
Gloria Martinez
Cecelia Ann Rodriguez
Latest Meeting Agendas & Minutes
Contact Info
4A Corporation
1120 D Street
Floresville, TX 78114
(830) 393-7070
8 am–5 pm
Convention, Tourist, and Visitor’s Advisory Board
Convention, Tourist, and Visitor’s Advisory Board regular meetings are open to the public and are normally held the third Wednesday of each month at 6:30 pm at City Hall, located at 1120 D Street.
Board of Directors
Brenda Trevino
Kourtney Trevino
Latest Meeting Agendas & Minutes
Contact Info
Convention, Tourist, and Visitor’s Advisory Board
1120 D Street
Floresville, TX 78114
(830) 393-7070
8 am–5 pm
Planning & Zoning Committee
Planning & Zoning Committee members are appointed by the city council to advise on matters of land use such as zoning, subdivisions, and general growth and development of the city. City council is the final approval authority for most plats and all zoning decisions. The development director provides staff-level support to the Planning & Zoning Committee and city council on all development-related matters, and is responsible for processing development applications of all types.
Planning & Zoning Committee regular meetings are open to the public and are normally held the first Wednesday of each month at 6:00 pm at City Hall, 1120 D Street.
Board of Directors
Korey Graham
Deborah Hartson-Segovia
Allison Lamberth
Kenneth Leonhardt
Robin Ann McNiel
Latest Meeting Agendas & Minutes
Contact Info
Planning & Zoning Committee
1120 D Street
Floresville, TX 78114
(830) 393-3105 opt. 6
8 am–5 pm
Related Pages
Floresville El Camino Trail Committee
Formerly named the Hike & Bike Trail Committee. Regular meetings are open to the public and are normally held at City Hall, located at 1120 D Street.
Board of Directors
Claudia Garza, Chair
Lino Arocha
Sylvia Arocha
Corrina Cortez
Caitlin Jendrusch
Rachel Trevino
David Regan, Advisory
Latest Meeting Agendas & Minutes
Contact Info
Floresville El Camino Trail Committee
1120 D Street
Floresville, TX 78114
(830) 393-3105
8 am–5 pm
Contact Info
Board of Adjustments
1120 D Street
Floresville, TX 78114
8 am–5 pm
Volunteers Needed
The city council is accepting applications from Floresville residents interested in serving on these city boards and committees: Floresville Economic Development Corporation (FEDC); 4A Corporation; Planning & Zoning Committee; Convention, Tourist, and Visitor’s Advisory Board; Zoning Board of Adjustments; and Floresville El Camino Real Trail Committee.