Internal Affairs

A proper relationship between the Floresville Police Department and the citizens of Floresville, fostered by confidence and trust, is essential to effective law enforcement.

The function of the Internal Affairs Unit is to insure this proper relationship and provide citizens with a fair, effective avenue to seek redress for legitimate complaints against police department employees and to protect employees from false charges of misconduct or wrongdoing.

The complaint system and disciplinary procedure not only subjects the officer to corrective action due to improper conduct, it also protects the officer from unwarranted criticism when duties are discharged properly by the employee.

Reporting Procedure

Complaints against Floresville Police Department employees must be submitted on the Personnel Complaint Form and turned in to the Floresville Police Department. The completed form must be signed and notarized (notary is available at the Floresville Police Department). Delivery can be by:

Types of Complaints 

  • Rudeness
  • Unnecessary Force
  • Unauthorized Use of Authority
  • Neglect of Duty
  • Harassment
  • Improper Conduct
  • Improper Procedure
  • Any and All Criminal Violations

Complaint Investigation and Disposition Process

All complaints are thoroughly investigated. A report is prepared including statements from the complainant, the accused, and all witnesses.

The report will not reflect personal opinion, but rather present an unbiased picture of the circumstances as they actually occurred. This permits the supervisor to make a proper recommendation, based upon the investigative findings presented.

The completed investigative report also includes a narrative summary of the events and a finding of facts as determined by the sworn statements of those involved. All reports are reviewed by administrative staff for completeness and objectivity.

The completed report is forwarded to the Chief of Police for a final disposition. If the facts show there was misconduct on the part of the employee, the Chief will take the appropriate corrective action.

Complaint Disposition

The disposition of complaints are classified as follows:

  • Unfounded – Incident did not occur, or the accused employee was not involved.
  • Exonerated – Incident occurred but the employee acted lawfully and properly.
  • Not Sustained – Insufficient evidence to prove or disprove allegation.
  • Sustained – Allegation is supported by sufficient evidence.
  • Partially Sustained – Incident complained of has two or more allegations and at least one of the allegations is sustained.

In all cases, the employee and the complainant are notified of the disposition.


While the Floresville Police Department encourages citizens to report legitimate complaints or grievances to the Internal Affairs Unit, it also assumes and expects that citizens will not file frivolous, harassing, vindictive, or false complaints against employees who have properly performed their duties. State law forbids the intentional filing of a false report to a peace officer.


It is the policy of the Floresville Police Department to recognize outstanding police service through formal use of commendations. Expressions of appreciation for services or actions by employees are greatly appreciated. Letters commending employees will be forwarded to the Chief of Police for employee recognition.

Police Overview
