Floresville to Host Future Generations Powwow

by Nanette Kilbey-Smith, Wilson County News

It’s an event such as Wilson County hasn’t seen, and it’s coming to Floresville on Saturday.

Plan now to attend the Future Generations Powwow on Saturday, Aug. 14, at the Floresville Event Center. It’s hosted by the Carrizo Comecrudo Tribe, based in Wilson County.

Admission is free to the daylong event, which will include a Floresville Community Market, a school supply drive, dancing, live music, and more.

“What we hope to achieve with such events is to develop cultural respect,” said Tim Tallchief of the Osage, master of ceremonies for Saturday’s powwow. “Each tribe has its own language and traditions — is its own nation. We respect each other’s ways and appreciate each other’s uniqueness.”

“We, as participants, appreciate Juan Mancias and the city of Floresville for bringing us together for this wonderful event,” Tallchief said.

And the city is thrilled to host the powwow….

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