Floresville Convenience Store Celebrates 70th Anniversary, Lottery Luck

by Pachatta Pope, KSAT 12 TV San Antonio

FLORESVILLE – Squeak’s Convenience Store will be offering more to its customers in Floresville than usual on Friday. Store owners are holding a ribbon-cutting ceremony at 5:30 p.m. Friday to celebrate the store’s 70 years of being a constant source of local products, a popular community meeting spot, and a real lightning rod for lottery luck.

Representatives from the Texas Lottery are also celebrating the festivities, as the store is among the top 10 in scratch-off sales in Texas. According to the Texas Lottery website, Squeak’s sold $3.8 million in scratch-offs last year, and the store is said to be ahead of projected sales numbers for this year. In addition, the store sold a $20 scratch-off card that turned out to be a $1 million winner, the largest winning scratch-off card Squeak’s has sold. The convenience store has also had a $925,000 winner on the Texas Two Step….

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