Vendor Certification Program
To become certified as a City of Floresville vendor, please read the Vendor Statement of Agreement and complete the form below. Unless otherwise noted, all fields are required.
As part of this application, you will need to download, complete, and attach photos/scans of two documents:
- IRS Form W-9 (download/print)
- State of Texas Form CIQ (download/print)
Purchasing Focus
The City of Floresville purchases according to state and local laws, with the goal of obtaining the “best value” for the City. This may not always mean the lowest price. We consider such things as reputation, product quality, customer service, totality of proposal, compliance with local, state, and federal laws, cost, delivery, and other criteria.
Please visit this website periodically, as we continue to communicate with our certified vendors and those interested in conducting business with the City regarding policy changes.
Vendor Statement of Agreement
The City of Floresville requires all vendors who desire to conduct business with the City to complete the Vendor Certification Program as outlined here. In addition, the following City of Floresville policy items must be agreed to by an authorized representative of the vendor.
All invoices, statements, and other correspondence must be sent to:
City of Floresville
Finance – Accounts Payable
1120 D Street
Floresville, TX 78114
All invoices are paid no later than 30 days past the later of the invoice received date or date of acceptance of the product or service by an authorized City representative, in compliance with the Prompt Payment Act, provided the invoice is mailed to the above address.
Invoices for product purchases must include the purchase order number. A purchase order is not valid unless it contains a signature from the City’s administrative services coordinator. Purchase orders of any kind by phone are NOT permitted.
My signature below certifies that I am an authorized representative of the vendor named on the attached W-9, and that my company agrees to abide by the policy statements unless otherwise agreed to in writing.
Printable Form
Instead of completing the online form, you may print, complete, and return the printable Vendor Certification Program Form.
Call or email us: