543 Results for "Austell City 1-855-531-1167 Flower delivery phone number"

Ribbon-Cutting for Downtown Revitalization Sidewalk Program and Grant

Ribbon-cutting ceremony to acknowledge the Downtown Revitalization Sidewalk Program to assist in providing ADA accessible sidewalks for the downtown area. The Mayor and City Council are pleased to announce that the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) has awarded a grant...

Starbucks Store Now Open in Floresville

UPDATE: Starbucks is now open! The City of Floresville is proud to announce the addition of Starbucks to our community, in partnership with the Floresville Economic Development Corporation and keeping Floresville Strong. Friday, September 18, 2020 at 10:00 am, marks...

Council OKs Relief for Floresville Water Customers

by Gregory Ripps, Wilson County News Floresville water customers will get a break with their next water bill. Floresville City Council members approved a measure at their Feb. 25 meeting to provide relief for residents and businesses whose water use...

Public Hearing re Project

The City of Floresville received a Texas Community Development Block Grant (TxCDBG) Program grant, 7220140, from the Texas Department of Agriculture for a Sewer Improvements Project. A public hearing has been called for 5:05 p.m. on Tuesday, October 11th, 2022,...

Public Meeting re USDA Rural Development, Rural Housing Service Loan and Grant Application

The City of Floresville will hold a Public Meeting on Thursday, May 25, 2023 at 6:00 PM o’clock at City Hall in the Council Chambers, located at 1120 D Street, Floresville, Texas to inform the general public of an application...

Early Voting

Mayor City Council, Place 1 City Council, Place 2 Proposition A Sample Ballot Dates & Times Monday, April 22 through Saturday, April 26, 2024 Monday, April 29 through Tuesday, April 30, 2024 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Location (All Boxes)...

Early Voting

Mayor City Council, Place 1 City Council, Place 2 Proposition A Sample Ballot Dates & Times Monday, April 22 through Saturday, April 26, 2024 Monday, April 29 through Tuesday, April 30, 2024 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Location (All Boxes)...

Election Day

Mayor City Council, Place 1 City Council, Place 2 Proposition A Sample Ballot Date & Times Saturday, May 4, 2024 7:00 am – 7:00 pm Location (All Boxes) City Hall 1120 D Street Floresville, TX 78114 Map & Directions SHARE...

Floresville Receives SABOR Grant for Park Enhancements

Wilson County News The City of Floresville is gearing up to make some enhancements to the River City Park, after being awarded a grant for its Park Enhancement Project. The $35,000 grant — awarded August 14 to the San Antonio...


City Manager Assistant City Manager City Secretary Buildings & Permits Code Enforcement Community Development Cemetery Finance Fire & EMS Human Resources Municipal Court Police Public Works Utility Administration Water Wastewater SHARE...

Peanut Festival

City offices closed SHARE...

Stay Connected

As part of our effort to open up all possible channels of communication with the community, the City of Floresville has taken the initiative to revamp its website to be mobile-friendly and easy to navigate. We are also adding several...

Kids’ Day Camp

All City Youth Programs presents A Crazy & Wild Summer in the Land Down Under! Summer day camp for children ages five to 13. 8:00 am to 6:00 pm. Session 1 runs from June 12 through June 29. Session 2...

Kids’ Day Camp

All City Youth Programs presents A Crazy & Wild Summer in the Land Down Under! Summer day camp for children ages five to 13. 8:00 am to 6:00 pm. Session 1 runs from June 12 through June 29. Session 2...

Round Table Discussion

You are cordially invited to participate in a round table discussion with Councilman Nicklas (Nick) Nissen on how to move the City forward. Topics of discussion include vision for the City, five-year plan, additional revenue options. Light refreshments to be...

Monthly Citywide Cleanup

First Saturday of each month Bulk waste pickup for 60 homes First come, first served Call City Hall at (830) 393-3105 to be placed on pickup list. You must call before the last Wednesday of the preceding month. The first...

Monthly Citywide Cleanup

First Saturday of each month Bulk waste pickup for 60 homes First come, first served Call City Hall at (830) 393-3105 to be placed on pickup list. You must call before the last Wednesday of the preceding month. The first...

Do Business in Floresville, Texas

...in the city of Floresville. Transportation & Infrastructure Floresville is conveniently located near numerous highway systems (including four Interstate highways), rail hubs, international airports, and seaports. Our immediate area offers abundant road capacity with minimal traffic congestion. Energy costs are...

Floresville Closes USDA Water System Improvement Loan

...took place at the Lauro G. Deleon Floresville Event Center, moves the City one step closer toward beginning construction on the project. The City Council approved issuance of utility bonds to repay the loan at a March 2016 meeting. SHARE...

Opening Day Ribbon Cutting and Dedication of Sports Complex Park

The City of Floresville is pleased to announce the grand opening of the Floresville Sports Complex Park (Phase I), with the park dedication ceremony taking place at 10 am. The grand opening will unveil the new baseball and football fields....