543 Results for "Austell City 1-855-531-1167 Flower delivery phone number"

Monthly Citywide Cleanup

First Saturday of each month Bulk waste pickup for 60 homes First come, first served Call City Hall at (830) 393-3105 to be placed on pickup list. You must call before the last Wednesday of the preceding month. The first...

Monthly Citywide Cleanup

First Saturday of each month Bulk waste pickup for 60 homes First come, first served Call City Hall at (830) 393-3105 to be placed on pickup list. You must call before the last Wednesday of the preceding month. The first...

Citywide Cleanup

To participate in the cleanup, you must sign up no later than Tuesday, September 17: call City Hall at (830) 393-3105. Floresville residents only. Acceptable Materials Shrubs, tree branches, woody vines, other herbaceous and woody plants BBQ grills (without compressed...

Monthly Citywide Cleanup

First Saturday of each month Bulk waste pickup for 60 homes First come, first served Call City Hall at (830) 393-3105 to be placed on pickup list. You must call before the last Wednesday of the preceding month. The first...

Announcement of Floresville USDA Water System Improvements

U.S. Congressman Henry Cuellar will announce City of Floresville 2019 United States Department of Agriculture, Rural Development water system improvements. The public is invited to attend. Light refreshments will be served. Facebook Event Page SHARE...

Monthly Citywide Cleanup

First Saturday of each month Bulk waste pickup for 60 homes First come, first served Call City Hall at (830) 393-3105 to be placed on pickup list. You must call before the last Wednesday of the preceding month. The first...

Monthly Citywide Cleanup

First Saturday of each month Bulk waste pickup for 60 homes First come, first served Call City Hall at (830) 393-3105 to be placed on pickup list. You must call before the last Wednesday of the preceding month. The first...

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

City offices closed SHARE...

Presidents’ Day

City offices closed SHARE...

Independence Day (Observed)

City offices closed SHARE...

Veterans’ Day

City offices closed SHARE...

Day After Thanksgiving

City offices closed SHARE...

New Year’s Eve

City offices closed SHARE...