, health and wellness programs, farm and feed assortment, mobile vaccination and grooming services, self-wash stations, same-day delivery, and curbside pickup. Additional Neighborhood Farm & Pet Supply are expected to open in the U.S. depending on the success of the... guinea pigs, hamsters, birds, reptiles and amphibians at the store, as is the case at some existing outlets. Similar to Petco’s city stores, the neighborhood stores will offer same-day delivery and curbside pickup. Petco CEO Ron Coughlin said in...
...City Cemetery. No grave, vault or tomb of any person buried in the City Cemetery shall be opened except upon special written order from the City Manager. City Manager Location 2012 3rd Street Floresville, TX 78114 Map & Directions SHARE...
...Government TypeHome Rule MunicipalityCity Council Members6Police18City Zoning BodyYesMaster PlanYes Utilities & Services ElectricityFloresville Electric Light and Power Systems (FELPS)Natural GasCenterPoint EnergyWaterCity of FloresvilleWastewaterCity of FloresvilleInternetGVEC, LVWifi, ZipLink, Rise Broadband, Ranch Wireless, SpectrumHospitalConnally Memorial Medical CenterSchool DistrictFloresville ISD Floresville Map SHARE...
...markings, maintains city owned areas and parks, and sweeps city streets. Contact Info Public Works 1105 1st Street Floresville, TX 78114 (830) 393-3105 phone (830) 393-1211 fax Map & Directions Office Hours Monday–Friday 8 am–5 pm Weekly Bulk Trash Drop-Off...
...Plaza water plant site and replace with a new, larger storage tank. Provide hookups for a mobile generator at the City’s three water treatment and storage sites. This will allow City staff to provide water to the City’s customers in...
...responsible for significant projects assigned by the city manager. Monica Veliz Assistant City Manager Contact Info City Hall 1120 D Street Floresville, TX 78114 (830) 393-3105 phone (830) 393-1211 fax Office Hours Monday–Friday 8 am–5 pm City Secretary SHARE...
...Applications may also be submitted online. The City of Floresville is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Employment Application » Human Resources staff manages all aspects of recruitment, compensation, benefits, and training for the city’s workforce. This includes processing applications and new...
To start automatic monthly payment of your utility service bill, please complete the form below. Unless otherwise noted, all fields are required. Customer Name Water Account Number Customer Phone Account Type CheckingSavings Voided Check Image Attach a scan or photo...
To participate in the contest, email with your name, home address, and phone number. Prizes will be given for first, second, and third place winners. Decorating deadline: December 14 Judging: December 15 Judging information/questions: (830) 581-8138 or SHARE...
...Code Phone Fax (optional) Email Requested Information Please provide a detailed description of the requested information (e.g., name of record, specific date of record of list, time frame sought, etc.) Case Number Date Description of Public Record Being Requested The...
...within the past 10 days. You cannot have received any other vaccine within two weeks prior to clinic date. Click this link to register: Choose your appointment time. (Using a mobile phone? Scroll right to see appointment times.) Upon...
...within the past 10 days. You cannot have received any other vaccine within two weeks prior to clinic date. Click this link to register: Choose your appointment time. (Using a mobile phone? Scroll right to see appointment times.) Upon...
...received any other vaccine within two weeks prior to clinic date. Click this link to register: Choose your appointment time. (Using a mobile phone? Scroll right to see appointment times.) Upon successful registration, you will receive confirmation of your...
As a precaution to COVID-19, the City of Floresville will be closing the lobby to its city buildings effective immediately. We encourage customers to conduct business over the phone or online, the drive thru at City Hall and the night...
Read Newsletter Inside this Issue Water conservation tips 2018 Consumer Confidence Report for Public Water System SHARE...
Fire protection and emergency medical services in the City of Floresville are provided by Wilson County Emergency Service District (ESD) No. 4 and Wilson County Emergency Service District (ESD) No. 5. Wilson County ESD No. 5 (Fire) Wilson County Emergency...
City ordinances, City code, and selected City documents are stored by Municode (an external website). Click the button below to leave the City of Floresville website and view City ordinances on Municode. View Ordinances Contact Info City Secretary 1120 D...
...million in grant, $7.495 million in loan, and $180,000 in City funding/applicant contribution). This funding allowed the City to construct significant upgrades to the wastewater treatment plant on Goliad Road and to the wastewater collection system. The City of Floresville...
...Annexation Plan Site Plan Review Process Zone Change/Rezoning Process Variance Review Process Preliminary Plat Review Process Final Plat, Minor Review Process Contact Info City Hall 1120 D Street Floresville, TX 78114 (830) 393-3105 phone (830) 542-3127 mobile (830) 393-1211 fax...