543 Results for "Austell City 1-855-531-1167 Flower delivery phone number"

Floresville Selected to Receive USDA Community Facilities Grant

...City of Floresville Police Department. The public is invited to attend. Light refreshments will be served. City of Floresville USDA Facilities Direct Loan and Grant The City of Floresville has received $69,000 in funding from United States Department of Agriculture...

Parks & Recreation

...fields at Floresville River Park City Swimming Pool This beachfront-entry, junior Olympic-sized pool offers fun and recreation for all ages. With a one-meter diving board and children’s slide, the Floresville City Pool is a hit with both avid swimmers and...

City Cemetery Cleanup

It’s time for our community spring cleaning! Mayor Cissy Gonzalez-Dippel and City Council invite you to join in cleaning up the Floresville City Cemetery. Gloves, trash bags, and refreshments provided. Feel free to bring any clippers, shears, and rakes. SHARE...

Open House at City Hall

You’re invited! Please join us for an open house at City Hall to tour our newly remodeled building and enjoy light refreshments. Open house from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. Ceremony at 1:00 pm. RSVP (830) 393-3105. Facebook Event Page...

City Council Workshop

...in person at the meeting or may submit their comments at https://www.floresvilletx.gov/comments or via email to citysecretary@floresvilletx.gov no later than 2:00 p.m., August 18, 2022. This meeting will be livestreamed to our Meeting Videos page and the City Facebook page....

City Council Special Meeting (Cancelled)

...person at the meeting or may submit their comments at https://www.floresvilletx.gov/comments or via email to citysecretary@floresvilletx.gov no later than 2:00 p.m., February 15, 2023. This meeting will be livestreamed to our Meeting Videos page and the City Facebook page. SHARE...

City Council Special Meeting

This will be an in-person meeting. Citizens who wish to make comments on a listed agenda item must do so in person at the meeting. This meeting will be livestreamed to our Meeting Videos page and the City Facebook page....

City Council Special Meeting

...in person at the meeting or may submit their comments at https://www.floresvilletx.gov/comments or via email to citysecretary@floresvilletx.gov no later than 2:00 p.m., May 18, 2023. This meeting will be livestreamed to our Meeting Videos page and the City Facebook page....

City Council Special Meeting

...in person at the meeting or may submit their comments at https://www.floresvilletx.gov/comments or via email to citysecretary@floresvilletx.gov no later than 2:00 p.m., May 22, 2023. This meeting will be livestreamed to our Meeting Videos page and the City Facebook page....

2024 Fourth of July Festival Vendor Registration Form

...make all checks and money orders payable to: CITY OF FLORESVILLE All payments can be made from Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in person, or by mail at: Floresville City Hall 1120 D Street Floresville, TX 78114...

City Offices Closed

City offices closed in observance of Thanksgiving Day SHARE...

City Offices Closed

City offices closed in observance of Christmas Eve SHARE...

City Offices Closed

City offices closed in observance of Christmas Day SHARE...

City Offices Closed

City offices closed in observance of New Year’s Eve SHARE...

Special City Council Meeting


City Offices Closed: Peanut Festival